Home of Bilbo... the famous rabbit from the book, "Tales From Within The Rabbitry"


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Jenny Poprawski -ARBA Judge# 924

Located in Edwardsburg, MI

Camelot's Florentine

Best of Group 3 ARBA Convention 2017

- Best of Breed Holland Lop 2017 

Michigan Express HL Specialty

Judge: Scott Rodriguez 

BOB SJD and BOS BJB August 2024 


Best in Show & Best Junior - Holland Lop 

Yokohama Bay Rabbit Club Japan November 2013

-Finally got a copy of this beautiful hollands picture proud to say Sam Machida raised her and she goes back to Camelot



For Sale Page 2/16/2025



Welcome to Camelot Rabbitry!

Camelot Rabbitry is located in Sullivan, IL within driving distance to IN, MO, OH  and WI. My name is Jennifer Poprawski, and I have been raising various breeds of rabbits since I was five years old.  Now I raise Holland Lops exclusively. My mom is Jeanette Adams and also shares my hobby. We both have a great love for the breed, they are such a challenge to raise and they have great personalities.


 I have bred many great show animals and producers over the years...Camelot's Bon Bon produced the 2002 Youth BOB ARBA Convention winner. 1st Placed SJB HL Nationals 2002 Camelot's Top Gun II produced the 2003 Open BOB ARBA Convention winner, LL Baxter. Camelot's Kawa Bunga sired Saynora's Kazu, BOV at the 2003 Open ARBA Convention. Camelot’s Simon BOB Youth ARBA Convention 2005. Finally after so many close calls… I won BOB 2006 Open HLRSC Nationals in Perry, Georgia and again at ARBA Convention with Camelot’s Spanky! Wow! Camelot's Sabrina Spanky's daughter wins BOB ARBA Convention 2008 and follows Spanky's foot steps.  2009 Camelot's Bootie is out of My Girl another Spanky daughter produces BOB winner ARBA Convention 2009.  Camelot's Maru Ru offspring of Camelot's Mini Mack BOS HLRSC 2011!  BOSV Camelot's Jumping Jack ARBA Convention 2012, BOSV  Camelot's She's All That ARBA Conention 2013 and

BOSV Camelot's Jumping Jack HLRSC National 2013.

My mom, Jeanette, also published a book called Tales From Within The Rabbitry and Within the Circle, which has adventures of Bilbo the Holland Lop show rabbit. Her book can be purchased from


 Click on Bilbo & get his new book!



The Rabbitry




2001 - 2025 Contents of this site is owned by Jennifer Poprawski, all rights reserved.
Pictures can't be used without express, written permission of the site owner. Website designed by Tracy Lukeman at THF Saynora.