Foundation or
Living Elsewhere
Camelot's Mack
Grand Champion
GC Gibeault's Pluto x GC Camelot's Diva
59 ARBA Legs, 1 BOB, 1 BOS
4th Place out of 113 BSB ARBA Convention 2003
2nd Place Broken Senior Buck HLRSC Nationals 2005
25th Place Broken Senior Buck out of 111 Convention 2005
3rd & 6th Place out of 27 BJB at Nor Cal show, day after HL Nat'l 2003
BOB Midwest Holland Lop Specialty Show 3/8/03 & 1 BOSV Leg
BOB at the OHLRF Specialty Show - 232 shown Medina, OHIO 11-22-03
12/7/03 BOB Tibbar RBA
13th Place Solid Sr Buck HL Nat'l 2004 |
Camelot's Mad Max
12 Grand Champion Legs
GC Camelot's Spanky X LL Livewire
14 Place BSB out of 102 ARBA Convention 2008
Full grown at 31/2lbs I was always told good things come in small packages!
BOS Lebanon RBA 10/11/08 |
Camelot's Top Gun
Grand Champion
Gibeault's Bonzai X GC Camelot's Catalina (1st SSD Nat'l)
3 ARBA Legs
1st Place Solid Junior Buck Nationals 2002
Sire of the BOB ARBA Convention Winner 2003 & 1st Placed SJB HL Nat'l 2002 &
Gibeault's Bonzai
Grand Champion
22 Legs
BOB and 3 BOS's
17th Place out of 159 SSB ARBA
Convention 2003
Grand Champion
Camelot's Hot Stuff
Sire: Camelot's Crush Dam: GC Camelot's Sassy
1st Place Solid Jr Buck ARBA Convention 2004
Camelot's Top Notch
Grand Champion
GC Gibeault's Bonzai x GC Camelot's Diva
11 ARBA Legs
2nd Place SJB HL Nationals 2004
Camelot's Bulldawg (AKA Dawg)
Grand Champion
Sire: GC Camelot's Mack
Dam: GC Camelot's Natasha
BOB Iroquois County Fair
5 Legs
Camelot's Sherlock
Sire: GC Camelot's Dufus
Dam: GC Camelot's Bullock
5 Grand Champion Leg
BOS Eastern HLC 2/6/10
10th Place SJB
Nationals 2010 |
Camelot's Putz
Sire: GC Camelot's Mini Mack
Dam: D & A's Bernice
Grand Champion
3 Legs
BOSV NC State Convention 3/21/10
(Photos courtesy of NKJ Photography NC)
Camelot's 8 Ball
Sire: GC Camelot's Dufus
Dam: GC Camelot's Bullock
BOS Grand Finals NY 10/3/09
Under Paul Kyle
BOB Chesapeake HL Specialty
Show Charles Town , WV 9/12/09
11 Grand Champion Leg
Grand Champion 1st time out as a Senior
4th Place Solid Senior Buck
ARBA Convention 2009
(Photos courtesy of NKJ Photography NC) |
Camelot's Tulum
Sire: GC Camelot's Prawler
Dam: GC Camelot's Sabrina
BOV Blue Ridge RBA 9/12/09
6 Grand Champion Leg
(Photos courtesy of NKJ Photography NC) |
* GC Camelot's Tiki
7 Grand Champion Legs
Sire: GC Camelot's Tulum
Dam: GC Camelot's Lucious
BIS LVRBA 10/8/2011
4th/171 SSB
ARBA Convention 2011
16th/120 SSB
ARBA Convention 2010 |
* GC Camelot's Mini
30 Grand Champion Legs
Sire: GC Camelot's Shooter
Dam: GC Camelot's Celest
1 RIS, 5 B0B, 8 BOS
and Many BOSV, BOV
7th Place Broken Senior Buck
ARBA Convention 2009
15th/86 BSB
ARBA Convention 2010 |
* GC Camelot's Absolute
10 Grand Champion Legs
GC Camelot's Caesar
Dam: Washburn's Zest
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this site is owned by Jennifer Poprawski, all rights reserved.
Pictures can't be used without express, written permission of the site owner.
Website designed by Tracy Lukeman of THF Saynora.